
Moderator: Lixas

Posts: 66
Joined: Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:36 pm


Post by limpeh-behsi »

I found that there are some errors in my Joomla! installation using the Fantastico in CPanel.
1. Following PHP Server Settings are not optimal for Security and it is recommended to change them:

* Joomla! RG_EMULATION setting is `ON` instead of `OFF` in file globals.php
`ON` by default for compatibility reasons

2. configuration.php is : Unwriteable

So how do it fix it?

Edit : Another problem : /media is not writable

Thanks :)
Posts: 66
Joined: Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:36 pm

Post by limpeh-behsi »

Here is another question related so I continue my topic.

1. How do I make my Joomla! page with forum?(1 time registration with only 1 username and password and can access both Joomla and forum posting) I had read the Joomla help page and I found that it is something like a blog (am I right?) They have 'plug-in' but the comments of the forum plug-in usually is negative because of the bugs.
2. So, can I make Joomla and SMF, and the users only need to register 1 time in either places but can access and post in both joomla and SMF?

PS : I think I can post it on another post because its not technical issue, its a question and doesn't fit in my previous post. You can accept this?
Thanks :)
Posts: 28
Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:01 pm

Post by Temple »

I don't understand what you're trying to ask but you can log into the FTP and CHMOD your media folder to 777 to make it writable.

You could make Joomla! and SMF share logins and cookies with some modifications to the code of both softwares.

As for the Joomla! Plugins, I don't know about that.
Posts: 325
Joined: Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:57 pm

Post by Jonxmartini »

I wanna know basicly the same thing as the second thing he askes. Im using mambo and i want to make it so when people login and regester in mambo they also have loged in or register with phpbb(3 when it comes out)any componests modules and or mambots to do this?