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Tom Beers
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:21 pm


Post by Tom Beers »

Hello, my name is Tom Beers.

I like working with computers, drooling over cars and playing games.

In computers I like to make websites, post on forums, talk on IRCs, program and find security holes.

In cars I like the TVR Sagaris, the Ariel Atom, the Bugatti Veyron, the Mazda RX-8 and alot of other ones too.

I games I like RPGs, racing games and 'Shoot 'em ups' like Halo. Oh and I'm not sure what category The Elder Scrolls series falls under but I love those games.

That is basically me, well theres lots more, but that's all I can think of :).

- Tom Beers

Who is general failure and why is he reading my harddrive?